
After days, weeks, months and years of not posting anything on my blog and not intending to create a post as at when I woke up this morning; it even feels weird typing this right now but alas! I am posting again. I'm dusting the sheets, I'm cleaning table top, I'm emptying the cabinet and getting off the cobwebs.

It feels like opening up the window and letting the morning ray in, shining on your face and making you feel alive, it feels leaving home for so long and then coming back home after years and you realize that you've missed something that meant a lot to you. This feeling I can't comprehend, it's more than a mixed feeling. Did I really give up on this? Was I really passionate about this when I started? Do I know what I'm really doing right now? Questions scrolling in my head.....but I'm doing this today just because of one thing.

I'm doing this cos I need to, because have been asked to and not because I want to. I started a training yesterday with an ICT academy, it would be running through this week and today we were trained on blogging. The facilitator gave a task to trainees to create a post and send it to him for assessment. It's the reason why I'm doing this. It's why I'm 'blogging'

I realize i have questions popping up in my head once more.....Don't I miss this? Don't I want to revive this? Shouldn't I sit and think about blogging?

I have to do something about this, I really need to keep my 'office in the cloud' functional cos I feel alive being here again.

Without commitment, you'll never start but more importantly without consistency, you'll never finish. -Denzel Washington.

Thanks for this Mr Ameh Jeremiah. Thanks for today!


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