My Kinda Weekend!

Happy new week folks, I hope the weekend was great? These past few days have been transforming and I have a strong conviction that all my limitations have been wrecked - I couldn't have sat at the feet of a pulpited divine, veteran minister and renowned preacher, Bishop T. D Jakes and remain the same. The weekend was also topped with 'party rice' and 'swallow' my first here in Enugu and in a while since I left Lagos last year and then Chelsea beat Everton with Morata on the score sheet...wooh! Plus Floyd Mayweather beat McGregor....hehehe #Eyanmayweather. It was my kinda weekend 😍.

I had an urge to share some of the points I scribbled during the finale of the Spirit Life Conference themed EMERGE. I'm certain that reading this would be beneficial to can thank me later on 😉

Bishop T. D Jakes titled his message 'My battle is my bread' and took is text from Numbers 14 vs 1 to 9 where the Israelites grumbled about the wilderness and the reports of the spies after they spied on the promise land. Here are the points I scribbled:

  • Of all things you'd need to be successful, you have to be relentless.

  • You must be relentless enough to pay the price it takes to overcome the obstacles between you and your promise.

  • The promise is always guarded by problems.

  • Nobody places a guard where there is no treasure. The devil places a guard(problem) to stop you from your promise.

  • Most times we are taken out by the sight of the promise, we murmur and exalt it and leave out the promises...just like the spies did.

  • It is not what you go through that matters, it is how you perceive it. Until you see it right, you can't get it right.

  • Anxiety is to react to something that hasn't even happened yet.

  • Never go to battle where there are no spoils.

  • You have to believe! If God let you see it, you can be it!

  • Stop worrying about who says no or how many NOs....keep on looking for that one YES!

  • When you're a careful about who you speak to...

  • You've got to fight for everything God has given you. There's something at the other side that's worth the fight. The battle is a sign that there's bread on the other side.

  • My battle is my bread. I smell the bread!

  • Stop running from won't get a trophy.

  • You cannot get the promise without going through the process. There's something about the process that toughens you up for the promise.

  • You don't go into the gym to lifts the weights to move them, you're lifting the weights to move your body.

  • If you can't take the battle, you can't eat the bread.

  • Joshua thought he was he was working for Moses, little did he know that the land he was spying out was his.

You'd do yourself a lot of good by getting the whole of this message and other messages at the #SLC2017.

Remember that the battle comes as a sign that there's bread at the other side.


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