The Wait!

For over a year and a month I have been single, it was devastating at first as we had just four months to clock 3 years but when we spoke about a month after we broke up (she did the breaking) she told me she had moved on. It was hard to comprehend; how on earth do you move on after a relationship of more than 2 years that was so sweet and had no major issues?
I was glad that she told me she had moved on though, cos it was all I needed to move on myself - what was I sulking for? Aunty no reason me again na πŸ˜‚. She's happily engaged now and I'm really happy for her.

Source: Google Images

They say one of the signs that you're ready to be in a relationshp is that you're happy being single which I literally am. Generally, my love life has been really weird but when I sum it all up, it has been the reason for my healthy heart, my happiness and my confidence. Deep down somewhere - not desperately - I know I am ready for another relationship but I am not panicking.

For some of y'all, you might just be getting out of a bad break up or a good one - all break ups are not necessarily bad just like my last - or maybe you haven't been in a relationship ever or haven't been in one for a while; you are wondering if you're ready to call off the wait or not, I'd be sharing some signs below that you should watch out for to help you know that you're ready to get into another relationship, then afterwards you could decide to go into it or just keep chillingπŸ˜€ (but at least you'd know you're ready)

I came accross these signs on one of my favorites websites and it confirmed my 'ready' status, I'm sure it would also help you to know yours.

  • You're Ready To Focus On One Person 
If you're going to get into a relationship, it's important to be happy focusing on one person. If you really can't focus and you're being too picky, it's fine - you then might have to keep waiting and give more time to yourself.

  • You're OK With Who You Are
The strongest foundation for getting into a relationship is being settled with who you are as a person.You must have come to totally accept yourself. “Loving yourself is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to connecting with the right person.” - Sarah Patt.
Source: Google Images

  • You've Gotten The Experiences You Want
Your life does not end when you enter into a relationship - far from it. But if you still have anything that's on your bucket list that requires you being single, go for them. You should decide what is important and essential for you to do before you look for that special someone. By doing that, you’ll feel settled, ready and satisfied.
  • You're not Rebounding
If you just experienced a break up, be sure you have waited long enough to work through the anger or sadness, that way it's not a rebound or reactionary date scenario. The time will be different for everyone, but make sure you leave it long enough to heal and move on.
  • You're Ready To Really Put Yourself Out There
Making a real emotional connection means making yourself vulnerable, so you need to be ready for that. “Putting oneself ‘out there’ simply means being open and honest about who you are and how you feel. It’s a key step in creating a deep connection with someone else,” - Elaine Beth Cohen. Make sure you're ready to bare it all.
  • You're Doing it For The Right Reasons
Why do you want to be in a relationship? Is it just because your friends are? Or you're scared of being single? If you answered yes, then it's a good idea to keep waiting. Being single is an exercise that every person should go through at some point in their adult life. It is a time that gives us the distance and clarity that we need to get to know who we truly are as a person, and to firmly define what it is that we want in a future partner.
Source: Google Images
  • You Know Your Boundaries
As much as you need to be willing to give in a relationship, you also need to be sure of your own boundaries. They're essential for keeping a relationship healthy. I'd rather be single, in a comfortable relationship with myself, than trapped in a dysfunctional, toxic relationship with someone else. If you have a tendency to just give everything to your partner at the sake of your own health or happiness, you need to take a look at your boundaries.

There can be a lot of social pressure to be in a relationship, but don't listen to it. Being in a relationship is great, but only if you do it when you're ready. Be in snych with God, know His plans for you and stay in His will.

To your continued happiness as you wait ✌


  1. This is really helpful to me...Thanks for writing this... 😍😍😍😍😍

  2. Awesome piece! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Replies
    1. 🀭....thank you very much. This means a lot.


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