Hi Guys, how have y'all been? What was May like for you? How are you looking forward to June?

It post democracy day and the past few days and counting have been really filled with passion for our father and mother land -9ja. Posts, captions, rants, tweets, prayers, songs errywhere for our beloved country and it dawned on me that it only takes each and everyone of us to decide (intentionally) to make Nigeria what we dream of her. Like a popular comedian said at a symposium yesterday, we are not angry enough.....really, we aren't.

Hehehe....Did i just join the passion train?

Before I start campaigning without knowing, this is my second 'Currently, I am' tag, hope it captures your fancy. Currently, I am....

Wearing: Formal Outfits..... lol. As much as i don't love em, I have had to wear them a lot lately cos I have been attending interviews. They got me las las  😂😂😂😂

Source: Phone Gallery

Admiring: Tomiwa Talabi. This Mediapreneur just makes skinny amazing!

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

Wishing: I could handle multi-tasking much better...I easily get knocked.

Determined to: Get my domain name, host it and get my blog running and looking dapper. For y'all 😉😉

Craving: Corduroys. Now that I might be doing a lil bit more of formal wears, Corduroys would really come in handy for me.

Source: Google Images

Source: Google Images

Excited to: Start a new job!

Feeling: Thankful! I really have a lot to be thankful for this past month. Succesful Interviews, survival and good news from family and friends.

Appreciating: Life and all that it has blessed me with; every lil thing!

Irritated By: The way network providers are zapping data.... I don't even know the difference in times when I don't use data consuming apps and times when I do.....Guy! I dey subscribe four times a month o - and that's when I manage my data o! I'm so angry rye na! 😠😠. Have you guys got any hack? Please!

Source: Phone Gallery

Unsure About: Who's winning....Pusha T or Drake? What do you guys think?

Planning to: Organise an event....follow me @olanslim to be updated.

Loving: The rainy's been favorable to me one way or the other, I hope it continues to be.

Reading: Life on Air by Legendary David Attenborough. It's been captivating so far.

Source: Phone Gallery
Listening to: This is Nigeria by Falz. I know this just came out few days back, but I have listened to it like my heart beat...hehehe.... Everyone has their opinion about this songs especially on the way it projects the country, but I just enjoy the 'song'. I hope I'm not insensitive sha o?

I really do hope June would be a blissful month for y'all.
It's not too late to start implementing those plans, who says the mid-year is too late?

Pusha T or Drake? Drop your comments below!

Please I need data hacks too!!

Later Lovelies ✌


  1. Nice piece. Don't worry, June is going to be a great month. It is d month of living Legends like me... Yes, the rainy season is dope. ..

    1. Wooh! Amazing....It's a fantastic month already 😁😁


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