9 things you need to fulfill purpose.

Hello friends, it's been a minute. Happy Sunday!!

Recently, I was under a ministration at the National Transformation Conference at House on the Rock, Enugu by Pastor Shedrach Gentle. It was a deep message on fulfillment of purpose and I'm certain that it'd be really transforming if I share a highlight of the much revealing sermon.

4 The Lord said to me, 5 "Before I formed you in your mother's womb I chose you. Before you were born I set you apart. I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations."
Jeremiah 1:4-5

"A man without purpose is like the world without the sun"

Out of a lot that was said he gave 9 things you need to fulfill purpose.

Source: Google Images

  • Your Calling - Invitation
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.” ~Rumi

Merriam-Webster defines “calling” as: “…a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.”

Spend a few moments thinking about your calling. It may be front and center in your life, or it may be disguised as something else. Your calling has no interest in being right in any conventional sort of way; it’s simply your heart speaking its truth. Listen to it.

  •  Your Passion - Enthusiasm
Having a passion is one of the things that makes life worth living,” says Christopher Peterson, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Michigan and author of A Primer in Positive Psychology. “Because it’s invigorating and highly engaging, it’s satisfying.”

Passion is a strong desire that can get you to do amazing things. Passion is the fuel in the fire of action. When you have passion for something, you love it even when you hate it.
Source: Google Images. 

  •  Your natural disposition - Personality
Those set of habitual behaviors, cognition and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors distinguishing every human.

In your natural disposition there are 16 personalities.
There is a concrete, accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.

  •  Your family upbringing - Philosophy (School of thought)
'If you believe very strongly in something, stand up and fight for it' is one of the theories instilled in me as a child and has become one of my strong philosophies.

Everyone was born into strong family beliefs and theories that form the attitude of every member of that family and these act as a guiding principle for behaviour. These theories are essential in the fulfillment of one's purpose. They are strong.

  •  Your natural endowments - Gifting
We all have that special way of doing a particular thing differently from others. Each one of us have natural abilities or qualities, all we have to do is to be conscious of these things as there is a purpose attached to it.

There's a reason you are way taller, there's a reason you're buff, there's a reason you have a melodious voice.

 …….but if you lack the endowment of musical talent, you could play the tambourine. 😉

  •  Your educational qualification
Even if it wasn't what you planned to study, that particular course you studied has everything to do with why you are on earth for. It was not an accident.

  •  Your mentor - The big picture
For you to fulfill purpose identify someone who you consider successful in your field, who is willing to teach and coach you, and is committed to your growth and development.

While I believe it is necessary that you have personal accountability, all you may initially have access to will be the biographies, books, and CDs of someone you consider a success in the line of what you’re passionate about.

 "A mentor is someone who will guide you as you emerge in your journey of purpose."

  •  Your father - Covering
The role of your parents in fulfilling your purpose cannot be overemphasized. They provide covering biologically, socially, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually ensuring growth in these areas.

  • Your socialization - Socialization
We know how personal relationships and regular interactions with others can make a major difference in the quality of life and also in the fulfillment of the reason for which you exist.

When you find purpose, discover it and begin to fulfill it you won't look for people, people would for you. 

When you have purpose, you don't go everywhere!

Source: Google Images. 

The seed of purpose within you is your call to action. You have been created to solve a problem that society is faced with, and the more you live life not fulfilling purpose, the more the world suffers for it. The problems in the world that catch your attention somehow align with your innate potential. The skills you have may seem irrelevant, but they must be developed. Until they are developed, you will continue to feel inadequate in meeting the challenges that present themselves in the world.



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