My Recent Playlist.

#tgif lovelies
Recently, I have grown to become tired of my phone...not that it gives me issues but I have used it for so long (about 1 year and 5 months) and it sickens me sometimes, besides the windows phone and the windows store (especially if the OS is windows 8.1) is 'so dead' compared to the google play store.... I just need a change - something like the Nokia 6, sorry I mean the iPhone 8 or iPhone X would do πŸ˜‰

Well back to the subject matter, today's post was inspired by a subscriber and a friend's post; "What's in my mailbox?" and though I
plan to share mine one of these days, I have been stuck to one of the things that still makes my phone feel wanted and that is my playlist.

My playlist could be boring to you and I apologise for that, it's not cos I'm a PK (preacher's kid) or a Christian, I really love music as it is the very perfect vessel (alongside art) through which we convey humankind's relationship with its environment. I'm particularly conscious of my composition and prefer to have in my devices or anything that feeds my mind, songs that have great content and are edifying.

My current playlist is not perfect to me yet but its content is capable of creating a spark anytime I need an inspiration or whenever I'm down for a good time. πŸ’ƒ

Speaking of my recent playlist:
Hammer Time - Lecrae ft 1k Phew

Forgive the youtube blah blah blah you see, its where I downloaded it from. Hammer Time is one of the recently released hit songs from my favorite gospel rapper, Lecrae's upcoming album - All Things Work Together - coming out on the 22nd of this month (can't wait man). We all know how trap music is taking over and it's a lotta joy to me that the gospel scene is shining the light through this subgenre of hip hop. Awesome track I tell you - do get to listen to it, you'd thank me later.
'You know God my standard, He's the answer, I ain't perfect, I'm just purchased, out here workin' with the hammer like'

#Simisola - Simi

Oh gosh! This recently released album keeps blowing my mind and no matter how much I try to express what I feel about this album I just keep falling short. Its so perfect for a debut album and i keep falling in love with Simi each time any of the songs play especially Smile for me, Gone for good, Joromi and Aimasiko. I struggled hard to get this album off repeat for weeks.

Still & Sit down for this - Mali Music

The songs are from Mali's fourth studio album 'The Transition of Mali' released months back and we all know Mali for his unique kind of voice in the gospel scene with the Chris Brown, The week3nd and Sam Smith kinda vibe he gives which just seems to pierce through the deep of the heart. I need to get the whole album!

Halleluyah - Funbi

OMG!! Funbi..... His first single and I can say a quintessential classical, this song is a great inspiration to me as it makes me see life's battle as an opportunity for growth. This song is just πŸ‘Œ.

I'm Getting Ready - Tasha Cobbs Leonard ft Nicki Minaj

I think this should be the most controversial song this year, how can Nicki Minaj be on a gospel track? Well! I don't know about y'all but for me I bless God she was on that track. Tasha like everytime was with her message and she delivered it perfectly while Nicki did exact justice to it by spitting gospel bars.
'Now praise Him, raise Him, name it, claim it
Every tongue that rises up, against me, shame it
I breathe success in and out of my lungs, I got the power of life and death coming out of my tongue'.

I'm thankful to you as always for reading. Please drop a comment below of songs you think I should add to my playlistπŸ˜‰

 Till my next post, I love y'all ✌ 


  1. Your playlist is a bit weird but perfect for you. I love Simi's Joromi and have an unending love for Hallelujah by Funbi. Let me recommend Jaron Nurse song titled My Rock and also Carribbean Christian...

    1. Thanks adorable...i'mma add 'em right away. 😘

  2. Nice bro. Especially Lacre! Love his lines

  3. Me that is not really into gospel music. I can't even start recommending for you sef but a nice piece though and yes, I love Simi's Joromi.

    1. Lol..... I didn't say I listen to gospel alone o....As long as it projects the art of music and has great content...I'm plugged!


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