My Kinda Weekend!

Happy new week folks, I hope the weekend was great? These past few days have been transforming and I have a strong conviction that all my limitations have been wrecked - I couldn't have sat at the feet of a pulpited divine, veteran minister and renowned preacher, Bishop T. D Jakes and remain the same. The weekend was also topped with 'party rice' and 'swallow' my first here in Enugu and in a while since I left Lagos last year and then Chelsea beat Everton with Morata on the score sheet...wooh! Plus Floyd Mayweather beat McGregor....hehehe #Eyanmayweather. It was my kinda weekend 😍. I had an urge to share some of the points I scribbled during the finale of the Spirit Life Conference themed EMERGE. I'm certain that reading this would be beneficial to can thank me later on 😉 Bishop T. D Jakes titled his message ' My battle is my bread ' and took is text from Numbers 14 vs 1 to 9 where the Israelites grumbled about the wilderness an...