Alas! Gossiping is now Life.

There was once a time when we called a friend to a hideout or a secluded corner to talk about a third party, there was once a time when we consciously and intentionally talked down a third party in the face of people or someone who held the person in high esteem, there was a time when people's stare and gaze was because there is something striking about your presence that moment. The reverse is just the case now! It's almost always certain that you are being stared at in the office, school or apartment cos you have been a subject of gossip, we don't need to be any conscious or intentional, it's almost reflex to talk a third party down not caring about endangering the person's relationship with the discussants, gossiping is no more discreet, it's just very normal that it can be done right under the subject's nose. Gossiping is now a language! "The only thing worse about not being talked about is not being talked about " - Oscar Wilde. They...