As the Music Fades....

In some few hours 2017 will be gone with the wind and I must confess that it was a remarkable journey with you. It was the rebirth of this blog this year and I am really grateful to you for the visits, subscription, comments and shares. You are the reason I'd be stepping into 2018 with a flame of continuity and consistency. Here we are, the last song and I hope that after this music stops, it's every components - the genre, the notes, the beat, the rhythm, the lyrics, the tone etc - would leave a residue that could lighten-up the fire you need to burn through 2018. Source: Google Images This song might not have been a hit song, it might not have had the right lyrics, it might not have been recorded in the best studio, it might have been produced by some rookie-producer, could have possibly had the 'wackest' artist and then he featured some guy with the most horrible voice you've heard, you could even be wondering how it got on your playlist but it's just...